What I thought : I have been in love.

1 min readJun 27, 2020

LOVE, one word with a lot of meanings. I have been in love several times. Whether it is love for myself, family, pets, or even my stuff. Everything that shows sympathy and nervousness can be defined as love. It was often non-sense, ridiculous, and stupid. But love works just the way it is.

Love in a romantic way is absolutely something.


I know it is amazing to know someone who amazed by the things we do, someone to rely on, place for sharing thought and assessment.

I found that love has their way to charm someone, it sometimes comes up with the same cycle in the beginning. With this fluttered cheeks against all of our feeling and it can be end with sore.

be aware.

However, It feels like I was controlled by somebody. It is all just a story, times flies fast. It felt like it was all just a daydream in our leisure time.

But life changes, let’s explore and write.




i’m spend 1 liter of tears on classical music